Summer Fun Challenge

Graphic: pale yellow background with summery clip art, various phrases from the adventure list below

No blog post next week. I’m taking the week off to enjoy the holiday week.

It is almost July and time to shift into summer mode. As you shift into summer chill mode, it is also a good time to do some low key challenges. The challenges below are a way to keep things interesting and some fun activities to expose us to new ideas. The new ideas will hopefully help to deepen our learning and commitment to justice based work. Do as many as you want – no one but you is keeping score.

Ready to join the adventure?

  • Attend a cultural event – Pow Wows, Obon Dance, Latinx festivals, other summer cultural events
  • Visit a farm, preferably one owned by a POC – this is to appreciate the land and learn about and support POC farmers
  • Participate in Plastic Free July, even if it is reducing your plastic consumption by one plastic fork it is a start, BONUS learn about how plastic waste is impacting Pacific Island nations
  • Ask a friend to recommend their favorite book by an author of color, swap titles or books by authors of color if your friend is up for that
  • Read a book focused on an intersection with race, e.g. race and LGBTQ, race and disability, race and class, race and immigration, race and environment, etc.
  • Visit a cultural site for Indigenous people
  • Register to vote or remind someone to update their registration
  • Move your body – swim, drum, walk, cartwheel, clap, clean something, ride a bike, yoga or stretch
  • Read poetry by an Indigenous author
  • Learn about the 2024 election – go deep in learning about a topic that will show up on your ballot (i.e. civil rights, prison reform, environmentalism, childcare, voting rights, education, transportation, etc.).
  • Donate blood if you can. If you can’t friendly nudge someone who can donate to do so.
  • Skip a car trip and use alternative transportation – learn about transportation justice and mobility for people with disabilities
  • Create/make something that makes you happy – cook, make art, write, make a sand sculpture, etc.

Enjoy the adventure.

Thank you to our Patreon subscribers. At this time I don’t offer ‘extras’ or bonuses for Patreons. I blog after working a full-time job, volunteer and family commitments thus it is hard to find time to create more content. Whatever level you are comfortable giving pays for back-end costs, research costs, supporting other POC efforts, etc. If your financial situation changes please make this one of the first things you turn-off — you can still access the same content and when/if you can re-subscribe I’ll appreciate it.

Adrienne, Aimie, Alayna, Alessandra, Alexa, Aline, Alison FP, Alison P, Allison, Amanda, Amber, Amira, Amy, Amy K, Amy P, Amy R, Andie, Andrea J, Andrea JB, Andy, Angelica, Ashlie, Ashlie B., Barb, Barbara, Barrett, Beth, Betsy, Big Duck, Brad, Brenda, Bridget, Brooke B, Brooke DW, Cadence, Caitlin, Calandra, Callista, Cari, Carmen, Carolyn, Carrie B, Carrie C, Carrie S, Catherine, Cathy & David, Chelsea, Christina C, Clara, Clark, Clark G., Courtney, Dan, dana, Danielle, Danya, Debbie, Debbie S., Dede, DeEtta, Denyse, Dennis, Dennis F, Diane, Don, Ed, Edith, Eileen, Elizabeth, Emily, Erica J, Erin, Frances, Gene, Genita, Hannah, Hayden, Heidi and Laura, Heidi, Hilary, J Elizabeth, Jaime, Jake, James, Jane, Janet, Jelena, Jen C, Jen E, Jen H, Jena, Jenn, Jennet, Jennifer, Jess, Jessica F, Jessica G, Jillian, John, Jon, Julia, Juliet, June, Karen, Kate, Kathryn, Katie O, Kawai, Kelly, Kiki, Kimberly, Kyla, LA Progressive, Laura, Lauren, Leslie, Linda M, Lisa C, Lisa P-W, Lisa S, Liz, Lola, Lori, Lyn, Maegan, Maggie, Maile, Maki, Marc, Mareeha, Marilee, Matthew, Maura, Melissa, Melody, Michael, Mickey, Migee, Mike, Mindy, Misha, Molly, Nat, Nicole, paola, Peggy, PMM, Porsche, Rachel, Raquel, Rebecca, Robin, Ryan, Sally, Sally P., Sandra, Sarah B, Sarah D, Sarah H, Sarah KB, Sarah R, Sarah S, Sarita, Selma, Sharon B, Sharon Y, Shaun, Shawna, Siobhan, Steph, Stephanie, Stephanie J-T, Steve, Su, Sue, Sue C D, T Wang, Tamara, Tania DSA, Tania TD, Tara, tash, Teddi, Tim, Tracy TG, Venu, virginia, Vivian, Wan-Lin, Ward, Wendy, and Zan

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