Fakequity Fortunes (un)Told — Year of the Dragon

A blue sculpture dragon rising above water lit up at night, black background. White cranes with red heads around the dragon. Photo by Eva Bronzini on Pexels.com

Lunar New Year is tomorrow, Saturday, 10 February. As my friend Susan said it is like Thanksgiving, Halloween, your birthday, and Christmas rolled into one holiday and spread over two-weeks.

In Chinese culture Lunar New Year will usher in the year of the dragon. The Chinese Zodiac has 12 animals and each Lunar New Year, or Chinese New Year, ushers in a new animal with an accompanying trait like earth, water, fire, or gold/metal. This coming new year welcomes the wood dragon.

Back in 2020, one of the last posts conceived in person before we went into COVID lockdown, several friends and I conceived the Fakequity version of your Chinese Zodiac horoscope. It felt like a good time to reprise those horoscopes and update them for the epic year of the dragon. I am not an astrologer, as always this is for fun, entertainment, and to give us some things to think about.

Rat – People born in the year of the rat are known for being quick-witted, clever, resourceful, and wise. Some legends say the rat was the hero who took a bite of the dark egg, and with that crack in the egg light and air were let into the world. Other legends say the rat is conniving and used other animals, Ox and Tiger (sometimes known as the cat) to get what he wanted. Which animal are you going to be in your pursuit of racial justice – the one who takes a bite to let light in or the one who uses people of color to get ahead? May the year of the dragon give you the push you need to serve others ahead of yourself.

Ox – Oxen are hardworking, taciturn, strong, and determined. Ox people are who you want on your team to get a job done over the long haul. They have the potential to be a guiding star and to never waiver. That said make sure you find ox people who are on the right side of justice, cause if they are dug in on a belief that is where they will stay. Ox your mission this year of the dragon is to avoid high-risk sports (not a lucky year for those things) and to instead go deep on reading and learning about race.

Tigers – Tigers and dragons are known to fight. If this is the case, please align and fight injustice together rather than fight on opposite sides. Tigers are known for being adventurous, generous, outspoken, anxious, and brave. Tigers are known for chasing away evil and big wins. In 2024, perhaps some of the tigers’ lessons can be racial equity work is often built on smaller gains not just the big wins.

Rabbits – Elegant, quiet, respectable, finicky, and clever these adorable bunnies make loyal companions on any journey. Legend says the rabbit finished the race that set the Zodiac by hopping from stone to stone on a river – a clever way to cross the river since rabbits can’t swim well. Use those smarts to improve yourself this coming year. It is a good year for self-improvement and learning a new skill, so make that skill a useful one to the racial justice causes.  

Dragon – Dragons are confident, intelligent, rigid, passionate, and charismatic. Even though this is your year, it is better to keep a low-profile and be humble. Those who are showy and outspoken will be hit harder. Instead use the year to listen, build relationships not for gain, and slow down to enjoy life. Dragons can also use the year to attend more joyous and happy events to attract good luck this year – go out and support other communities of color with their festivals, maybe it will bring you luck too.

Snake – Enigmatic, vein, mysterious, and wise the snake will use its charm on you. Snakes are known for learning by doing and through life experiences. They are also known for being charming and trying to use that charm to gain fortune and favor. Snakes use your charm to open doors for justice based causes. This is a good year for relationships for you, so pay it forward by supporting others.

Horse – Easygoing, witty, outspoken, and honest the horse is known for being independent and intuitive. Sometimes a project needs a foreperson to go scout the landscape ahead – send the horse on this mission. The year of the dragon is a good year for the horse to travel. Take advantage of opportunities to learn, near and afar, from many different people. Learning and building relationships allows people to learn and innovate. Be kind to the earth too with the travel, learn from the land itself and the indigenous people in the places you visit.

Sheep – Intelligent, compassionate, romantic, and disorganized the sheep (sometimes referred to as the goat on the zodiac) is known as a team player. Every group needs people who keep the team going, the diplomats who can bring compassion and care to the group. Sheep this is your gift to racial justice work – being gentle, kind, and supportive when feelings are tender. These good Samaritan traits are needed when times get tough, like with the upcoming 2024 elections.

Monkeys are clever, inventors, sharp, and funny. They can also be arrogant and manipulative when not checked. According to one fortune webpage, this will be a good year for the monkey to make and spend money. If this is true for you monkeys, make sure to put that money toward supporting people and communities of color. Spend your money at POC businesses and invest in communities of color. Your playful nature will shine brightly in these spaces.

Rooster – Self-reliant, talented, honest, and observant the rooster is known for being resourceful and problem solving. Many say their skillful observations help them find new solutions and with limited resources. However, they are also known for being cocky and self-congratulatory in these situations too. This is not an attractive trait when working with others to fix community problems. In the year of the dragon focus on supporting others and building relationships.

Dog – loyal, sincere, protective, and stubborn dogs will experience a lot of changes this year. It is a good year to practice prudence. Sometimes being a supporter is an important way of engaging with community work, you don’t always have to lead. Loyalty and being there for the long haul is important in community based projects.

Pig – generous, creative, responsible, and thoughtful, these are traits we will be need in the coming year. Pigs may have to work a little harder this year to see gains, so don’t give in to the side of you that wants to laze around. Your hard work will pay off for yourself and others.

Have a blessed lunar new year. Lunar New Year is the welcoming of spring so enjoy the season and be kind to each other in the year of the dragon.

To my Asian relations – Gung he fat choy, happy Tet, and Selloal.

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